Sunday, December 5, 2010

Peg Perego Skate: Choose the Best for Your Child

From the day a baby comes to your life, you become more responsible and tries to achieve all the best things for your baby. As you will concern about the baby’s attire, food and accessories; you will also love to give it the best baby stroller available in the market. Regarding this matter one of the best products on which you can rely fully is the Peg Perego skate stroller. The technicalities that this product comes with have made it one of the most popular among the parents of this generation.

One of the main reasons for choosing the Peg Perego skate stroller is the amount of comfort that it provides to the child riding it. The well designed seats and the deluxe look adds a sense of luxury to the whole device. Your baby will not cry or through tantrums to get into your arms, every time you step out of the house with it and this will be mainly because of the comfort that it will be in. The baby will be able to hold the handle properly as it contains a soft padded cover on it and it is quite plush. Presently there is no other stroller available in the market the design of which provides you and your baby with so much of convenience. The seat is reversible and so if you want you can make the child to sit facing you. This feature of the Peg Perego skate stroller will help you to keep a continuous check on the activities of the child. The strap of the seat is strong and will prevent the baby from falling down if it somehow falls asleep while being in the seated position.

If you want, you can also convert the seat into a sleeping position. The position of the foot rest of the Peg Perego skate stroller can also be altered as par the needs of the baby. The canopy that the model contains engages a good amount of space to protect the baby from the various elements of nature like sun, rain and snow. The other important features of the Peg Perego skate stroller are the bottle holders and in built storage system.

Bring Home a Peg Perego Duette for Your Baby

The Peg Perego Duette stroller comes with a few features that make this a safe stroller for you and your children. On the adjustable handlebar are mounted a steering wheel for the front wheels and a brake for the rear wheels. The Duette SW stroller is a tandem-style stroller, so the seats are set up with one behind the other. Because of this the stroller is long rather than wide. There can be difficulty when trying to turn a long stroller safely.

The handlebar-mounted steering wheel makes the Peg Perego Duette stroller highly maneuverable. When faced with navigating in tight spaces, this feature is a must-have. The seats have a four position recline including flat with an easy to do one handed adjustment bar on the back of the seat. Each seat is complete with a removable baby bumper bar but no snack tray or cup holder. Additional thoughtful seat features are an adjustable footrest with two positions and fabulous matching foot muffs to protect your baby from the elements. Each seat is also equipped with a Child Safety device that prevents the child from sliding forward out of the stroller when lying down. There is Child Safety mesh hidden under the front of the seat pad.

For the children's comfort the Peg Perego Duette has large wheels with all-wheel suspension to smooth out bumpy terrain. Also included with the stroller are an adjustable, zip-open hood and a leg cover for each seat, so your child will be protected from the elements. The seats can be set to face forward, backward or each other. To add to the comfort level, the included seats have 4-position backrests and 2-position footrests, so each seat can be fit to each child individually.
